Colegio administradores de fincas cantabria

Therefore, the current legislation on horizontal property consists of the Civil Code and Law 49/1960. Both norms, together with the constituent titles, bylaws and regulations of each condominium form the regulations to be followed by the neighbors under horizontal property regime.

In total, the Horizontal Property regulation has undergone nine reforms. The most important was the modification of 08/04/1999, the result of a Popular Legislative Initiative that was taken to the Congress of Deputies with more than 832,000 signatures of support.

The 1999 reform included the proposals of the General Council of Associations of Property Administrators and its main modification was on community debts or, colloquially, “delinquent neighbors”.

The 2013 reform of the Horizontal Property Law was not a modification of this text itself, but a set of collateral changes to the approval of the Law on Urban Rehabilitation, Regeneration and Renewal of June 26.

From the legal sector it is denounced that the reforms that have updated the Horizontal Property Law have fallen short and that, on occasions, rather than providing a clear regulation that solves current problems and situations, the current regulations on horizontal property or IPH generate conflicts and problems of interpretation.

Carmen Prado Laguna

A great connoisseur of the business world in the trade sector and particularly attentive to the management and administrative policy of the company, José Vilas Villanueva of Cambados in Galicia is a founding partner of Cooperativa Las Rías, which brings together the ironmongers of the Galician Region and northern Portugal, founding partner of Unión Gallega de Electrodomésticos, for the distribution of the same in Galicia and Portugal, and former president of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation of Villagarcía de Arosa, in which he holds decisional and managerial positions, which have provided the economy of the region with great advantages and benefits. Currently José Vilas Villanueva is vice-president of the wholesale hardware company, Ferrgalicia, and president of Establecimientos Otero, a family company, founded in the 19th century, and active in the commerce sector. On April 10, 2005 The Constantinian University awarded José Vilas Villanueva the Laurea Honoris Causa in Business Management.

Ricardo Insausti Martínez de Lahidalga graduated from the University of the Basque Country with a degree in chemical sciences, specializing in technical chemistry, followed by research work in collaboration with the University itself and other technical courses at the School of Engineering in Bilbao. In his first job, he gained important laboratory experience with the company Fundiciones Yrigoyen in Segovia, He then went on to work through the companies Fundiciones y Sistemas Avanzados and Freeze Cast Europa, of which he is a founding partner, administrator and technical director, developing new molding techniques, researching and developing new materials and creating and starting up a research center for new casting processes. Inventor and owner of a new casting process, obtained by freezing substances and patented at international level, Ricardo Insausti Martínez de Lahidalga was awarded the Laurea Honoris Causa in Chemical Engineering by The Constantinian University on April 10, 2005.

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LIBERALISM is a tradition of political thought that has enjoyed broad hegemony in Western civilization, being the current against which many of the others have been defined and formed.

The LIBERAL tradition is by no means a homogeneous or closed body of ideas, which is why it continues to be at the center of theoretical and political debate. Its very history has been plagued by crises that have forced it to shape its theory and practice.

LIBERALISM began as a political movement in the mid-17th century. It triumphed definitively throughout the following two centuries, contributing to a substantial transformation of the societies of the time.

4. The ENGLISH, AMERICAN AND FRENCH POLITICAL revolutions: with their establishment of new forms of social and collective power, with the recognition of civil and political rights and liberties of citizens.

LIBERALISM shows from its very beginnings in the 17th century a constant concern for the problem of the individual and his place in society. The struggle against political, religious and social authoritarianism in the traditionalist societies of the time led LIBERALISM to take shape as a critical, revolutionary and emancipatory force based on a NEW CONCEPTION OF THE INDIVIDUAL.

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